Bible Study Resources

The Bible is an extraordinary book, a collection of 66 books and letters written by over 40 authors across three continents over more than 1500 years. It contains 1,189 chapters and 31,173 verses filled with promises, commandments, prophecies, poems, treaties, covenants, historical stories, and dramas. These verses reference each other 63,779 times, a remarkable feat considering most authors didn't know each other or aim to create a unified collection.

Each year, over 25 million copies of the Bible are sold, making it one of the most popular books globally, even among shoplifters. Its influence spans all social classes and continents, captivating people from all walks of life. Philosophers can discuss it for hours, yet it remains simple enough for a child to understand and believe. The Bible has guided kings during war, presidents in policy-making, and provided comfort to those in need.

Studying the Bible can be intimidating. Lifelong scholars admit they'll never fully grasp its depth, and newcomers often feel overwhelmed. Some simple ideas and tools will help you start a journey of studying the Bible for yourself.

The Inductive Bible Method

The inductive study method, developed by W.W. White at the end of the 19th century, is a powerful tool for both beginners and scholars. This method, originated at The Biblical Seminary in New York, begins by carefully observing what a text says, understanding the context of surrounding passages, and then drawing conclusions about its meaning.

The inductive method can be summed up in three questions:

  1. What does the Bible say? (Observation)

  2. What does the Bible mean by what it says? (Interpretation)

  3. How am I going to live today in light of this? (Application)

While these steps are straightforward, many people struggle with the details of how to execute them. In this study, we'll uncover a top-three list of secrets to effectively use this method. It's simpler than you might think!

The key principle here is making good observations. By learning how to observe carefully, we can better understand what the Bible says, gain deeper insights into its meaning, and allow it to transform our lives.

Below are some resources and graphics that will help you to remember what to look for as you study your Bible. This is a skill that will continue to grow as you practice it daily.